Monday, August 31, 2009

Long-lost Bestfriend :(

I love the college life. I love living on my own and making all kinds of new friends, but something is missing. Her name is Kat Baize, and she's my best friend. We've been through so much together, and it's hard to believe that I'm experiencing college without her. We always planned to go to the same school and be roommates, but we found out shortly after junior year that we were headed in two different directions. I planned to attend Georgia State and play softball, and she quit playing ball and was ready to venture out to start a life at Auburn. I know Auburn isn't that far away, but my life is so busy here, and she's so busy with her new sorority, that we don't really find much time for each other. It's really sad and disappointing. People always told me that I probably wouldn't end up staying friends with the people I went to high school with and that college is where your life-long bestfriends come from..but I thought we'd be different. Hopefully, after we've adjusted to the college life and things become more normal to us, we'll be able to rekindle our friendship and remain friends.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Home sweet home :)

For the past couple years, my friends and I have talked about nothing other than getting out of Conyers, my hometown. We complained about how there was never anything to do and how all the people were lame. Honestly, I never really had a problem with where I grew up. It's home, and it's all I really knew for most of my life. I've lived there all my life, born and raised. It isn't a very big place, but I wouldn't call it small either. You could drive from one end of the county to the other in about 20 minutes. I know this because I lived on one county line, and my bestfriend lived on the opposite county line.
The city of Conyers is a fairly busy area. Restaurants, grocery stores, national and local businesses, fast-food places, and gyms line the main highway that runs through the city. Children, teenagers, and parents could always find things to do or places to eat at, but after living there for 18 years, the same things and places started to get old. Only one movie theater and one bowling alley had to accomadate a whole county! So yes, the movies were always packed and cost way too much to watch. Despite the cost, the theater was always a common place to go for middle schoolers and teenagers because, like I mentioned before, there wasn't very much to do in my town.
It wasn't until high school, when everyone could drive and people could have house/field parties, that we always had something to do on the weekends.
During football season, it was expected of us to be at the stadium every Friday night. If our high school team wasn't playing that week, then we were probably at one of our rival high school games watching them play and mingling with the people that we call "enemies" at the big rival game between them and us. Waffle house, IHOP, and Johnny's Pizza can't wait for football season every year, because I'm pretty sure they make more money in one Friday night in September than they do the whole month of January.
It's hard to describe in words exactly what my hometown is like. Nobody will ever know what it's like until they live there and experience the atmosphere themselves. My hometown will always be special to me, and I'm sure I'll never forget one thing about it. I wouldn't even be surprised if I ended up moving back and starting my own family. I miss the people more than I thought I would, let's get serious and admit that there are always people that you wish you could just get away from. It'll be fun to go back and visit every now and then while I'm here at Georgia State.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Pushup Bra Will Help Me Get My Man...

"My Pushup Bra Will Help Me Get My Man" is a Youtube video that some of my friends found this summer. It is absolutely HILARIOUS! I die laughing every time I watch it. Yes, I've watched it multiple times :) and shared it with all of my friends. It's absolutely hilarious that this woman is actually taping herself while she's driving, admitting to the world that she's been dumped and making herself look like a complete idiot trying to get him back when he's already with another girl. Her language cracks me up, and believe me, I've spent a good amount of time quoting her. "Bout to go meet him at the PERK!..gotta tell 'em I been doin polotyes or yoga or somethin..make me sound more white, more edumacated.." Wow. This video is my favorite.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Today has been a stressful day. After spending a long weekend in North Carolina, I'm sleep deprived and worried that I won't remember all the things I'm supposed to do this week. My softball team is starting individuals and weights today. I've never lifted weights in my life! I don't even want to talk about how sore I'm going to be in the morning because I'll probably become temporarily depressed. To make things worse, before weights, I have to go all the way to Panthersville for 3:30 individuals where I'll work on hitting and infield skills. I also have to accumulate six hours of Learning Lab for the week, and I'm not really sure where I'm going to find the time for that. It's going to be a busy week, but I've decided that it can't possibly be that hard to manage all these things since so many people before me have done it. As long as I have time for dinner, I'll be happy.

And I still say that you should get your wisdom teeth out sooner rather than later, but then again, I've never had mine taken out, so I guess it's easier for me to say that. good luck!

Friday, August 21, 2009

first person narrative

The nonfiction, first-person narrative that I chose to read is called "On Principle." It is tertaining because it is a very unique story that has many different elements and characters that, at first, seem somewhat irrelevant to the actual story itself. However, the narrator finds a way to bring every part of the story together for a smooth conclusion. Another appealing aspect of this piece of writing is that it is written by a Russian author and takes place in a Russian community. Most of the stories I read take place in America or some other familiar country because it's easier for me to understand the culture and the setting in which the story is taking place. This allows me to imagine myself in the actual story and better understand the situation. It's amazing to me that the author was able to write a story about eels and grudges and still find a way to incorporate lots of humor. I enjoyed reading this narrative :) It was unique and different. As soon as I read the first couple sentences, I was hooked.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I've always wanted to be able to write about horses. In first grade, teachers let us write about our favorite hobbies, athletes, or even our favorite animals, but they basically just wanted us to practice our spelling and grammar skills. They didn't actually care about the content of the undeveloped papers that we wrote, and most of the papers were only five sentences long. Since then, I've always wanted to be able to write a paper about horses and express why they are important and meaningful to me. Most people could care less and may even be scared of them, but I have a strong passion for horses because they allow me to remember my grandmother and how she was before she was sick.
I love my grandmother, and I miss being able to talk to her or learn random things from her. It's hard to see such a wonderful woman suffer everyday of her life. Growing up, I spent most of my time next door at my grandparents' house helping them at the barn. I loved it working with the horses and fixing things with my grandpa. What would seem like work to most people, somehow seemed like fun for me. The memories that I have of my grandmother are connected to horses, so that is why it'd be interesting to me to write about horses and to inspire others while creating a piece of writing that is meaningful to me.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I created my blog :)