Monday, November 2, 2009

10/23 decisions..

When it comes to making decisions in life, I am definitely not the best. I can't decide what to wear in the morning, what I want to eat, what I want to do in life, or pretty much anything else that requires choosing. I am pretty sure that I get this character flaw from my mother. I love her to death. She is a very intelligent lady, but she can't make decisions to save her life. If we go out to eat as a family, and we all try to make her decide, then we'll just sit on the side of the road or continue driving in circles until one of us finally decides to make the decision for her. I am a lot like her in that respect, but I'd like to think that I'm not as bad about it as she is. I've been trying to work on it. Other people in my life have even tried to help me because it is such a problem. Unlike other girls, I hate shopping. This is not because I don't like clothes or looking nice. I don't like shopping because when I go to the mall, there are sooo many choices (clothes, shoes, purses, perfumes, electronics, etc.) that I get overwhelmed and have a small anxiety attack! It's ridiculous! What the heck is wrong with me?! Why is it so hard for me to choose between the apple or the orange? It's not like my world is going to drastically change if I decide to eat the apple instead of the orange, and I know this, but sometimes I just can't realize it until after I've already spent so much time agonizing over the "right" choice.
I have recently realized something about decisions though: sometimes the hard choice and the right choice are the same. When this happens, man does it suck :/ but what can you do? Life is full of trials and tribulations, laughs and cries, success and failure. Without the difficult times, the happy times wouldn't be so great. Life isn't always fair, but it isn't fair for anybody, which kind of levels the playing field and in turn, makes the stuggles in life, normal.

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