Tuesday, November 3, 2009

10/30 Halloween

I've never been a huge fan of Halloween..until this year. Of course when I was a little girl, my parents would dress my sisters and me up like barbie princesses, disney characters, Barney, or witches for this "holiday." I guess it was fun for me back then, but I was so young that I don't really even remember going trick-or-treating or meeting up with the little family we have that lives near us. I do vaguely remember the days before Halloween which were actually enjoyable because of all the decorations and trips to the pumpkin patch. I loved the hay-rides and petting zoos, but as I got older, I realized I didn't enjoy these things as much as I used to. The middle school days rolled around, and I just never really got very excited about Halloween. I hated the idea of dressing up in a bunch of uncomfortable costumes and running around to a bunch of strangers houses just for them to give me a couple pieces of candy..if that. Most years I didn't even dress up! If I went out, I went out as a noraml everyday student. My family never gives out candy or decorates for Halloween. I've never even carved a pumpkin!
I don't really consider Halloween to be a legitimate holiday, but it's fun and entertaining for most people in America, so who am I to say it isn't important. Yes, candy businesses and costume/decoration producers earn a lot of money during this time, but I think that is true with any "holiday." Americans usually try to find reasons to spend money and have a good time. Plus, it gives a lot of families good bonding time. Halloween is no different than Cinco de Mayo, St. Patricks Day, Valentine's Day, etc. Why not let people enjoy themselves and declare October 31 a holiday. It isn't bothering me.
The only good thing about Halloween was candy, until this year. This year was different..I guess because it's my first year of college. I had so much fun :) I dressed up as a sailor! I don't really have a specific reason other than the costume was one of my teammates old ones, so I got it for free! Anything free is good with me. Honestly, if I had another choice, I probably would have gotten another costume that covered more of my body :/ but it was really cute, and most girls looked just as uncovered as I did, so it was okay. My Halloween started Thursday night, and I partied with my friends all weekend, except Friday, because I went to visit my sister at West Georgia. I loved every minute of it.

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