Saturday, November 14, 2009

11/11 Rupert Murdoch

What is this guys problem? Rupert Murdoch seems like an intelligent, driven man. He has to be to accomplish all of the things he's done in his lifetime. But if this man is so smart, then why is he freaking out and bashing Google? He believes that Google and other search engines are stealing his news! He is "talking" about how he is going to set up pay walls to keep Google from using his material and benefitting from it without him getting any money from it. The key word is "talking" though. He hasn't actually filed any lawsuits and hasn't even added robots.txt to his sites. Why is this? If he didn't want his material being used by these search engines, then all he had to do was block it. One reason that he probably hasn't done this is because he knows that it wouldn't be good for business and would probably end up hurting rather than helping his cause. He wants money and popularity. Well, by blocking his newspapers from online search engines, he would be reducing the amount of viewers and prescribers to his newspaper. This man is all talk and is only threatening these organizations and causing drama to bring recognition to his news and make other news providers follow in his footsteps. There is absolutely no way that he would actually win a case against Google or any other huge internet site..and he knows it.

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